Driver Knowledge Test | Learners Licence Victoria




Any driver/rider of a motor vehicle involved in an accident or who contributes to any accident must -

• immediately stop his/her vehicle;
• ascertain the nature and extent of any injuries;
• render such assistance to an injured person as he/she may be capable of rendering;

• ascertain the nature and extent of any damage sustained;
• if required to do so by any person having reasonable grounds to request it, give his/her name and address, name and address of the owner of the vehicle driven by him/her, and the registration number of the vehicle;
• if he/she has not already furnished his/her and the owner's names and addresses, and the registration number a traffic officer at the scene of the accident, within 24 hours report it to a police station and furnish any additional information that may be required of him/her.

• not, except on the instructions of a medical practitioner, take any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs before he/she has reported the accident.
• If a person has been killed or injured in an accident, and such accident causes a complete obstruction on the roadway, no vehicle may not be moved from the position from where it came to rest, unless its position has been clearly marked on the road surface by the person moving the vehicle, or such removal has been authorised by a traffic officer.

The driver or owner of a vehicle, which was damaged in a collision/accident, must give permission before such vehicle can be removed from the scene of an accident/collision.