The general speed limits on public roads are:
The speed limit in built-up areas is 50km/h unless otherwise indicated by signs.
A 'local street' or 'built-up area' has access to private property and/or limited neighbourhood traffic movement. Some industrial and commercial areas also have local streets. Roads that carry traffic through suburbs and across towns have a speed limit of 60km/h or higher. The speed limit on these roads is clearly signed.
Speed limits In SCHOOL ZONES:
40km/h on roads where the existing limit is 50km/h, 60km/h or 70km/h 60km/h on roads where the existing limit is 80km/h 60km/h or 80km/h on roads where the speed limit is 90km/h or 100km/h, depending on the amount of school related activity on or near the road 80km/h on roads where the existing limit is 110km/h.
Outside built-up areas,
100 kilometres per hour (62 mph); two exceptions are Western Australia and the Northern Territory at 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph)