Seatbelts are compulsory for children and adults. Persons 3 years of age and younger should be seated in a baby car seat.
If seatbelts are fitted, rear-seat passengers must wear such seatbelts whilst the vehicle is driven.
A child is defined as a person between the ages of 3 and 14 years, except when such person is taller than 1,5 metres, then he or she is regarded as an adult, irrespective of age. A person older than 14 years is defined as an adult.
No adult shall;
• occupy a seat in any motor vehicle unless such person wears a seatbelt:
• occupy a seat on a row of seats, which is not fitted with a seatbelt, unless all other seats on such row which are fitted with seatbelts, are already occupied.
It is not compulsory to wear a seatbelt while reversing or moving in or out of a parking bay or area.
The driver of a motor vehicle shall ensure that all persons travelling in such motor vehicle shall wear a seat belt.
The driver of a motor vehicle shall ensure that a child seated on a seat;
• where it is available, uses an appropriate child restraint; or
• if no child restraint is available, wears a seatbelt when available.
If a seat, equipped with a seatbelt, is not available, the driver shall ensure that a child shall, if such motor vehicle is equipped with a rear seat, be seated on the rear seat.
Restraints are available for children up to 32 kg and/or 10 years old. All child restraints should be fitted according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When buying a child restraint, look for the sticker certifying the child restraint meets Australian Standard AS1754.